Via Regina, 2 - 22016 Tremezzina
Tremezzo, Como
Tel. (0039) 0344 40405
Enjoy the wintertime!
19 July 2024 — 6.30 pm
Great piano music from the 19th century is on the program in this special evening with pianist Christoph Soldan. The two protagonists Brahms and Liszt are representative of very different aesthetic-musical conceptions. Liszt composed mainly on literary models. He, the creator of the symphonic poem, dedicated himself to what we generally call program music. Brahms, on the other hand, saw himself in the tradition of Beethoven and preferred to understand music as absolute music. Christoph Soldan shows that today we consider both composers as creators of brilliant music using the example of Brahms' Handel Variations and Liszt's "Années de pélérinage".
Johannes BRAHMS: Variazioni su un tema di Händel op. 24
Franz LISZT: da Années de pélérinage
Les jeux d ́eau à la villa d ́Este
In collaboration with Amadeus Arte for Lake Como International Music Festival.
The ticket includes the visit of Villa Carlotta. You can enter the garden and the museum from 16:30.
Concert will take place at 18:30. Festival box office at Villa Carlotta opens at 16:30.