
Nature and words: our poetic journey

27 July – 11 August 2024

The Villa Carlotta project involves disabled guests of the RSD ANFFAS Residence and La Rosa Blu facilities in Grandola ed Uniti in taking photographs to capture the essence of natural elements.
In the first phase, an outing was proposed at Villa Carlotta where the guests were immortalised in photo shoots at the garden's main points of natural interest, becoming the protagonists themselves.
Immersing themselves in nature through the use of the five senses, they will also be guided in experimenting the use of the camera to capture moments of encounter and discovery.
The second phase, on the other hand, conducted in the educational settings of the residential facilities, envisages the writing of poems born from guided moments of introspection and brain storming. The guests, divided into small groups, will observe and analyse the different photographs and will then be invited to elaborate on their emotions, experiences and feelings related to the photos taken during their encounter with nature. The development and juxtaposition of words will give rise to poems that will become the central focus of the exhibition.