Via Regina, 2 - 22016 Tremezzina
Tremezzo, Como
Tel. (0039) 0344 40405
Enjoy the wintertime!
In this area of the park a rock garden is home to two different types of installations. One is given over to the seasonal blooming of herbaceous plants inserted at the time of flowering and removed when the flowers wither, then replaced with other cultivars or species in bloom at that moment. The other houses specimens of succulent plants in special pockets made in the rock, placed there during the summer: euphorbia, cactus, agave, and aloe.
Different species, originating from areas of our planet very distant from one other, but sharing the same survival strategy in arid climates, accumulating water inside special tissue called aquiferous parenchyma. Many have leaves modified to thorns and the enlarged stem is green because it is used for photosynthesis. During winter, these plants are also stored in the greenhouses.