Educational services

Our educational mission is designed to provide a program of activities and workshops, online and offline, that brings together many different disciplines: history, art and nature.

Our services

Our aducational activities are temporarily suspended, but you can ask for a lesson with an art
historian or a botanical expert online. We will be glad to share with you what we learned in our
place, wherever you are.

Write to us here


Villa Carlotta offers educational activities, thematic tours and projects for schools of all levels, families, adults and companies.

Discover the activities designed for you on this page.

Una nuova area educational vi aspetta in giardino! L'ex museo degli attrezzi agricoli è ora un centro polifunzionale che accoglie i gruppi impegnati nelle attività e nei laboratori didattici.

Il progetto realizzato con il contributo di

Information and booking:
Educational Services of Villa Carlotta curated by Sull'Arte Cooperativa


Numero di cellulare 351 3235649 raggiungibile nei seguenti giorni e orari: lunedì, giovedì e venerdì 9.00-13.00 / martedì e mercoledì 14.00-18.00.